Wedding Day!

What a totally fabulous day we all had.
Youngest and her lovely man were very happily married on a beautifully sunny Autumn day.

This happy pair have seen their wedding plans change so much (this was their third wedding date) and had to cope with so much uncertainty as to what their wedding day would look like.

Having decided just three days ago to bring forward the date before lockdown, everything came together. Friends and family stepped up to make this a truly lovely, wonderful, God- honouring day. We don’t think it could have been any lovelier.
We are so grateful to everyone who helped in so many practical, last minute ways and to all the family and friends who sent in videos of congratulations to the happy couple.
Many would-have-been-there-guests and others watched via a live-stream link.
We had the reception at a lovely hotel. The staff looked after us so well and it was so good to be able to spend time together (all 15 of us) and have good food and fun.

So here are our three lovely daughters and two great sons-in-law.

As I found at eldest’s wedding five years ago, I actually don’t have many great photos of my own to blip. I kind of left the photos to others who are much better at taking them than me.
I do have a fun pic however of all the boys of the two families being bonkers as boys do - see the extra. Added a few others there too.

One of the biggest biggest delights is that now our two families who have known each other for decades, are now joined, linked by marriage. What a joy!

More photos on blip here!

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