
it has some buttons! I finished this cardigan a few months ago during the first lockdown and for some reason I couldn't choose buttons online! I buy so many things online, regardless of lockdown, as we no longer live near any major shops, but I couldn't decide about buttons! My local wool shop was closed and in the end took these white ones from an old cardi which had seen better days, but never got around to sewing them on. With the temperature falling I thought now was the time and I'm not unhappy with the result. Pleased I didn't buy dark coloured buttons. 
My brother is still improving. They have decided it is definitely his BP tablets causing the low sodium levels. He no longer has to take them and apparently his BP was low anyway! Unfortunately he is still unable to go home until he has an ultrasound scan of his heart and they are satisfied with the result. He has always had a heart murmur and they need to check that there's nothing more going on before they release him. Another box to tick which is frustrating my 'not so patient' brother! 
Mum was a bit down on the phone. She hasn't been feeling that well. She has IBS which I think is rearing its head but every time I tell her to call the doctor she says she'll just wait another day to see if it settles. I know she struggles with the telephone appointments but if she is still unwell tomorrow I think I'll insist that I call them to get her some medication or at the very least some advice. 
At last my foot has responded to the exercises and I was able to walk three miles with Reg yesterday. Such a relief!

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