Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Monday — Turkey Pot Pie

Last Thursday afternoon when we arrived at the coast, I amazed Mr. Fun by making a big pot of homemade turkey soup. I filled 3 Mason jars with soup after our dinner was over. The shredded turkey meat had been in our freezer since our celebration dinner several months ago.

This evening I amazed myself when I used the remainder of the turkey to make this pot pie. Cooking is not my forte. But recently I’ve been convincing myself that even I can cook.

Earlier in the afternoon we had done our usual Monday task of driving to the community of Los Osos to the Ralph’s Grocery Store to shop. I used to find grocery shopping a lot more enjoyable.

When I was a young bride I would make a 2-week menu and then look through all the store adds and make my grocery list and stop at 2 maybe 3 stores to buy what I needed at the least expensive price. Those were the days when we used to count the number of bread slices left in the bag to make sure we could make it to the next payday. We were living at poverty-level and surviving on one paycheck and had 2 kids. Those difficult days made us better and I think wiser. They certainly gave us an appetite to work hard, budget well, and to spend money cautiously. But I’m no longer the grocery shopper that I was then.

Good night
from California’s Central Coast
in Cayucos,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe and Mitzi

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