Feeding Time

In case anyone wondered what a pile of mosquito larvae look like, here you go. Actually it’s a seething mass but that’s hard to capture! The fish seem to like them, haven’t fed them these before. Our two new goldfish (finally got a couple yesterday) had some too as a ‘welcome’ treat but they were less enamoured, probably have never seen live food before.
I’ve had a frustrating day searching for a spare transformer for the kitchen light. I had the unusual foresight to buy a spare the last time one burnt out but naturally wasn’t smart enough to keep a note of where I put it Have searched everywhere obvious, likely, less likely and plain stupid but no joy. I’ll no doubt stumble across the thing as soon as I order a replacement and the light’s working again.

Don’t think I can face staying up to watch the election results, recent experiences have been too distressing, so will head off and hope.

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