Going Down The Tubes

Jeezo I have seen it all now it's bad enough that big brother is watching you at all times and know your every move now company's that sell Lavvy paper want to know how you wipe your arse is nothing secret nowadays who thinks this shit up and what are they going to do with the information if they get anyone daft enough to go on there webshite and give them the there details bugger off and mind your own business all they should be finding out about there product is if customers are satisfied and all I want out a loo roll is that it does what it say's without it irritating my bum and my fingers not going through it Lol anyway rant over oh now to get a movie out of this one well mmm it has to be "Chocolat"2000 sorry about the puns haha at least I like the wee puppy which can only be a good thing

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