Dining with The B Team

Ok... First off you have to realise that THEY were dining I was not and those amongst you with sharp eyes will notice no doubt the red lead that is connected to ME and the tree. Oh the injustice. Meanwhile My Friend Peter was behind The Boss tossing bits of discarded sandwich at me (mostly missing) hence the concentrated look I am displaying. Oh the injustice...Oh I have said that before. Sorry. So there I was watching everyone, including The Boss chomping on grub...Oh the......opps.

This is a lovely spot by the outlet track. That is The Mighty Clutha in the background and the walk today was a shade seeker 'Cos it was supposed to get to 32 C. The Boss couldn't find a shaded spot to park in after the walk so he dropped me off at home with the Bossess and went back for happy hour with coffee , diet Coke and good company. An unbeatable combo.

AND big thanks to Peter for trying but inspite of his new eye job, it is a good thing he is not trying out for the NZ Cricket team as he can't chuck to save his soul , never mind the dog from starvation.
Oh Th.......

More detail?

Late edit... Sorry about my green head. It is the light from above through a sea of lovely leaves.

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