Christian Soldiers

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

T'was just another Monday. Nothing much to say about it really.

BUT I did listen to a history lecture about the Carolingian Empire* of the 8th/9th century.

It was fun because they spread Christianity into Germany and while this might not SOUND funny, the interesting part is that they did it by "tweaking" the gospels to be more appealing to the warlike German tribesmen. 

No really. This is an extract. Their version of Christ's arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. See if you can spot the subtle difference from the St. James version...

Christ's Deep Fear in the Garden: His Last Salute Before Battle!
Christ's warrior companions saw the enemy ascending the mountain, making a great din. The enemy clan approached with Judas the hate-filled man at the front. 

The grim army approached until they faced Christ, the great chieftain. Christ's warriors, dismayed by this hostile action, held their position. They spoke to Christ, "If it be your will that we die here, impaled upon their spears, then nothing would be so good to us." 

Then Simon-Peter, the noble swordsman, flew into a rage. His mind in such turmoil that he could not speak. That very daring nobleman strode over in front of his lord, no doubting in his mind, no fearful hesitation in his chest. He struck out with his skill at the enemy and drew blood from the head of first man in their rank. His cheek and ear burst open with a mortal wound! Blood gushed out!

Isn't that GREAT? I mean, not enough to convert me to Christianity or anything, but I would certainly watch the film and read the comic-book.

So that is my interesting fact of the day. Of course, the Germans amongst you may already know all this. If so, please do not SLASH at me with your mighty sword. There's no call for that sort of behaviour.


* The Empire of The Carols. A whole army of people going around making foof jokes and telling people to GTF.

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