Wish you were here?
Regular viewers will be familiar with my crazy Thursday afternoons: 2 children (plus friends), 3 overlapping clubs and lots of racing up and down the East Lothian byways. Added to a pile of calls and emailing on some school business, and I didn't have much time to enjoy the GORGEOUS summer weather today. It was so beautiful and warm that even I didn't need a coat!
Anyway, here's the closest I got to the beach: stopping off at the back end of North Berwick on my way between shopping and club 3. This is a view up to Yellowcraigs beach, and when I saw this couple walking along I, just for a minute, really wanted to be them (well, one of them, obviously). Just to stroll along on an empty beach on a beautiful day....
Maybe tomorrow (cue rain).
I have finally got around to putting some recently promised shots up on flickr. They're not so great but there's more from Pressmennan Woods (home of the fairy house) here and more birds from Blackford Pond here.
Also check out this blip: not only a cool shot, but also a fiendish puzzle, which I'm clearly only referring you to since I [smug emoticon] solved it. Mr B is still at it (after nearly 4 hours. Refusing all patronising offers of help.....)
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