Nothing is straightforward!

So, with the banner due to come down early next week there was a last chance this weekend to photograph the four remaining Portobello photographers. Fortunately all were around this weekend and we arranged to take the shots this afternoon. Only when I arrived to take the first one, a significant chunk of the banner was missing, ripped off at one end. The first of my subjects said it had been there this morning so it was probably just the wind - it was very strong. Of course the section that had vanished included the photographs taken by all four of the people I needed to photograph! So instead I took their pictures in front of a different pair of images and swapped in their pictures through the magic of Photoshop. Her is S with her picture of Joppa Rocks. Afterwards L and I took down the banner, it at least what was left of it, rather than leave it up there, ripped and vandalised for a last couple of days. As we were taking it down a woman walking past stopped and said how much she had enjoyed the exhibition, especially when so many indoor art spaces are closed or inaccessible. Something happy for the last day of the exhibition that Blipfoto made! 

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