Signs of life

It is bitter cold today and the wind is whipping with gusts that could knock you off your feet! I wasn't going to try to go out but all this resting my back was making me feel like I needed some air. I don't like being inside for too long as it can make me feel worse than the reason I'm inside to begin with.
My husband had decided to have his cigar (ugh I hate it!) in the shed because of the wind and the cold air and he normally brings the dog out with him. So I thought I'd sneak out into the yard with my camera and see if there were any signs of life in the gardens. Quite a few things had buds on them but the biggest sign of the upcoming spring season was my little Japanese Andromeda shrub. It was so nice to see some color popping up even though I was being blown around like a rag doll out there.
I had reached my limit with being on my feet so I figured I'd go back inside and rest my back again for a while. So remember my husband in the shed? Well, I'm on the couch looking at the pictures I had just taken and my daughter walks through the room and mumbles something and walks outside.
It seems that the wind had blown the shed door shut with my husband on the inside and the latch closed and he was stuck in there with the dog barking on the outside!!! HA HA HA
He had to call my daughter on her cell phone to let him out! Serves him right I say!
I hate those stinky cigars! He knew better than to call me. I would have taken a picture of him and used it as my Blip!
Of course if he reads this he probably won't be laughing as hard as I am but I'm sure he'd be a good sport about it. I think.

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