
By Shonie

A Perfect P and Cuppa T

Doing my essay for tomorrow! I am incredibly behind thanks to too many shifts this week.
The only thing getting me through is too much tea! Then Logs comes through with these little beauties: profiteroles filled with caramel cream. Technically our valentines dessert since that went completely to pot thanks to work and then a leaking ceiling.
You'd have thought he's given me a Chanel handbag when he brought them in. Currently I've had one!
I better get a move on or ill be outta luck!
Might help me ignore my poor ear... I have no clue what's wrong with it! It's so sore when I talk, move, sleep... Anything really. And weirder is that it feels like its all the way down the side nearing my jaw. I don't have time for the docs but think a quick nip past Boots pharmacy might be in order.
I read online a warm wet towel would help. It was soothing when held on but that's it!

Anyway wish me well... It's gonna be a long night!

S x

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