Dinistrio yw adeiladu ac i'r gwrthwyneb

Dinistrio yw adeiladu ac i'r gwrthwyneb ~ Destruction is construction and vice versa

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Roeddwn i'n llosgi malurion o'r goeden ywen- mae llawer ohono fe - ar goelcerth ac yn meddwl am 'adeiladu' a 'dinistrio'. I adeiladu yn rhywbeth mae rhaid i chi ddinistrio beth oed yna o'r blaen.  (A dyna pam pan rydw i'n gweld arwydd o 'safle adeiladu' rydw i'n meddwl 'safle dinistrio' hefyd). Wrth gwrs, rydyn ni'n gobeithio bod yr hyn sy'n cael ei greu yn well na'r hyn sy'n cael ei dinistrio.

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I was burning debris from the yew tree - there's a lot of it - on a bonfire and thinking about 'building' and 'destruction'. To build something you have to destroy what was there before. (And that's why when I see a sign of a 'construction site' I also think of a 'site of destruction'). Of course, we hope that what is created is better than what is destroyed.

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