Growing old disgracefully



I think I have mentioned Chester before, our clever little robin who has learned how to use the feeder intended only for more agile birds. Not till I took these images today did I learn how he actually does it, as his movements are too quick for the eye.

Think it was worth living through weeks of grey skies for today - a perfect spring day, bonny, bright and mild all day with hardly a breath of wind. We haven't been to the Blair with the VIP for months as it has been so wet every Sunday, so we made up for it today, checking out his dens and wandering through meadows of snowdrops. He cycled round the full circuit of almost two miles. Later he helped me in the garden, taking his little gardening tasks very seriously and then played ball with the Prof. After dinner he and I went on our customary 'midnight' walks - the only thing I am going to miss about winter. We spent ages looking at the Moon and Jupiter .

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