Park and dinner

Melody still not 100% nor me after the worst night I've ever had with her :( mike took over at 2 and I slept on couch
In the am I prepped a roast - and then we took melody to the park - glorious day. She's getting pretty territorial with 'stuff' she collects it up and then carries it round for hrs and doesn't want to let it go - as she's been off her food I tried to tempt her with a cookie.. She didn't eat it but carried it for ages! See pic! Even when it was a tiny crumb!
After the park mikes mum came for dinner - she's never eaten here before! Before she left mikes dad, we used to go for a roast with her every week - so spotlight on! It went ok - I made a sort of bread and butter pud - except it was brioche and the raisins were white and milk choc blobs and the egg mix was egg and baileys! Pretty lush and v easy!
Bedtime - not good - melody awoke every time I tried to leave the room - and she didn't nap today - not good - again mike took over.. Hopefully this is just illness related and not the next phase..

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