Is it my turn yet?

There was a dense fog earlier today and even when it cleared the sky stayed so very grey that I wasn't the least bit sorry that I didn't have to go out today. I had no inspiration what to blip whatsoever and was glad I managed to get a few half decent shots of Rosie when I was downstairs with her. I had already chosen which one to use as today's entry when my cockatiel Mieke came flying towards me when I was sitting at my desk. I was just quick enough to stick my hand up in the air so she could land on it.

Mieke made a bit of a nuisance of herself by walking over my keyboard several times when she got tired of sitting on my knee though. Fortunately I still had the camera within my reach and managed to take some photos. I eventually chose this shot where she looks as if she's asking whether it's her turn yet to use the laptop. Or perhaps she's trying to point out to me that I need to remove the big pile of paper from my printer.

My cough has been worse again today and my head is throbbing from it now.

Thank you ever so much for all the lovely comments and stars on yesterday's Great Crested Grebe blip.

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