Halloween Blue Moon!

6°C  -  3 mph WNW Wind Speed  -  5 mph Gusts  -  Cloud  -  Light Rain.  The sky was quite hazy early this morning (1 am) with the odd spot of rain, but I was determined to capture the Halloween Full Moon.  Whenever two full Moons appear in a single month Astronomers call the second full Moon a Blue Moon. We’re in luck this year because a Blue Moon occurs on Halloween, and this only happens about every nineteen years.  Of course, it’s not really blue  -  it’s just a myth that’s stood the test of time.  So I’ve painted it blue, and then blow me if this Witch didn’t fly by on her Broomstick!  Witches are very busy at Halloween time casting healing spells and making magical potions  -  we could certainly do with some of that given the state of the world at the moment!

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