
By Dizzy2302

Temple of Apollo......

at Stourhead Gardens, Wiltshire.

Stourhead estate is on the Wiltshire-Somerset border. It is a breathtaking 18th century landscaped garden with lakeside walks, grottoes and classical temples. The garden nestles alongside Stourhead House, a Palladian mansion with a fantastic regency library and beautiful art collection. The circular Temple of Apollo sits high on a hill at the western end of the garden. It was built in 1765 by architect Henry Flitcroft. In the film "Pride and Prejudice" (2005) - Darcy first proposes to Elizabeth Bennet at the Temple of Apollo. The temple was built to honour Apollo the sun god without whose presence it is said that no garden will flourish. How lucky am I that this very special piece of history is only minutes from where I live!

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