Long day today. The Club Captain sent out a three line whip for everyone to attend the first round of the Compass Sport Cup at Slaley Forest just south of Hexham in Northumberland. As it is the half term holiday and there is also more attractive and warmer orienteering in Portugal, our club was somewhat depleted in numbers and strength. However it was good to get out in the forest in the sunshine and I had my money's worth by choosing novel routes, stumbling into bogs, scrambling over fallen trees and navigating through thick fir trees and high bilberry bushes. Thankfully Tony had a much better and faster run so hopefully he will be one of the counters in the four way match between EBOR (York), CLOk (Cleveland), NATO (Newcastle and Tyneside) and our club, AIRE (Leeds and Bradford).
My blip is of the lovely Molly who belongs to our club mates.
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