Salford Wetlands

I met one of our new next door neighbours just a few days after we moved in. I liked him straightaway because he was friendly but not too friendly. Know what I mean?

Anyway, I was in my running kit and he kindly attempted to describe a run to me but, appreciative though I was, by the time he'd reached the fourth instruction, I'd forgotten the first one. Two words stuck in my head, though: "Salford wetlands".

I looked them up on Maps, this morning, and found out where they were and how to get to them. Oddly, as I worked out the route, my neighbour's instructions returned to me!

So, this is where I was just after nine-thirty, this morning. It was a nice little run, actually, just over four miles and a handful other runners - from the university, I think - for company.

No scales
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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