Common Sight in Oregon

There is a chance we might see a deer anytime we take a drive in the countryside around here. This was taken along the road on my way to my friend's house in the slightly higher elevation near me. We had a great conversations in our group there and the weather was perfect....warm and sunny...we sat in the shade of several beautiful colorful trees. 

Ellie spent the day with me yesterday, overnight and this morning.Gratefully I felt better by the time I picked up Ellie yesterday. All she wanted for her birthday was to make birthday  cupcakes so we made really cute little cup cakes; Ellie was a big part of the process, she loved breaking the eggs and mixing all the ingredients together. We played games to distract her until the cakes were cool enough to frost; it was so fun seeing how enthused she was to frost and put sprinkles on them. She and Great Grandpa Bob each ate one and they said they were really good.  :-)) We took them to her house today; she had a friend come over to celebrate her birthday today....Friday we will go over at varied times so we can stay within our bubbles of contact. Ellie will be 3! 

Stay safe .....wear your mask if that is being suggested in your area.

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