
Today should be entitled 'The Hangover', and this blip should be entitled 'The Hangover Cure' (along with bacon sarnies and fresh coffee).

Lots of fun was had last night. Maybe a little too much. The children were all very well behaved and went to bed at a reasonable(ish) hour, leaving us parents to stay up too late and get far too drunk giddy.

H was up at 7.15am (how inconsiderate of him) so we were rather fragile this morning. It's been such a beautiful day - bright sunshine, blue cloudless sky - that after the obligatory bacon sandwiches we all decided a walk up Holcombe Hill was the only way to blow the cobwebs away.

We took the hard route up (H's favourite) and then when we got to the top Peel Tower (which you can see here) was open for the first time in years. So we climbed all the stairs (and there is a LOT) to the top to take in the amazing views.

When our friends departed this afternoon we all had a little disco nap and we've just had a Chinese takeaway for tea as I'm too lazy tired to start cooking again. All in all, a pretty good day (hangover aside).

Not sure I'll last long tonight though...

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