Macaroons well received

Folks liked the macaroons and I got invited to a party on Saturday and discovered Rolf likes all the same science fiction books I like, but unlike me he remembers titles and authors. 

This picture is also from the driveway. They began having these outdoor distant socializations from 4-6 pm the first week of lockdown.  

The new Supreme Court will shortly be making decisions about the Affordable Care Act and about whether it is legal to discriminate against gay couples, specifically whether it is ok to discriminate against gay couples who want to foster a child. The ramifications of the decision will probably be broader. 

Germany made an excellent decision. 

While I'm optimistic that post-election violence will be sporadic and limited there are others concerned that it will be more severe in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Oregon. 

Wednesday down, Thursday to go. Step by step the longest march. 

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