
By DramaQueen

Hair raising

We both had the afternoon off so decided to give my Mum some help getting straight in the new house.

Mr A tackled the garden; namely the Virginia creeper that was taking over everything outside.

My job was the bathroom; good grief it was grim!! I spent two hours with my little pot of pink stuff, cleaning from ceiling to floor. The so called smallest room in the house seemed to go on forever!

Next up, the staircase. The bannister is lovely, with glass panels rather than spindles but these were so caked with nicotine and grime that they looked tinted. They’ve cleaned up a treat.

It was while I was cleaning the glass that I got closer inspection of the stairs carpet. Wow. I doubt it has ever been cleaned. I set about it the good old fashioned way...with a stiff hand brush and you can see in the photo what came off. You’d be forgiven for thinking it was a hairdressers!

I would have loved to have got a bit more done, but it was so filthy, it took much longer than expected but at least the house is smelling a bit sweeter now and my Mum can enjoy a nice soak in a clean bath. :-)

DQ x

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