Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Dubai Mall

Went to watch Lincoln today! Not a movie for the faint-hearted for some gruesome war scenes. Came away thinking I need to read up about the American Civil War and Abraham Lincoln's time as President. The biggest thing was passing the 13th amendment to the Constitution. It reminded me of the movie (Amazing Grace) about William Wilberforce and how he did the same thing in the UK some decades later. In the times that we live with all the freedom and rights we so enjoy but rarely think of, it was humbling to be made aware of the sacrifices that were made and processes that had to happen to secure them for us - especially as women.

What does all that have to do with my blip today? Well, our normal "theatre" is Reel Cinema in Dubai Mall, and this atrium is very close by. Blipped previously here. Taken while travelling down the escalator (to M&S) so it's more balanced.

Hope you've all had a good Sunday. I have just booked some air-tickets and will have the opportunity to travel on an A380 - first time for me!

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