world in a grain of sand

By kateann

last day before the return to work. It started late, following a convivial evening yesterday, but we worked hard in the garden once we got going!
We felt we'd earned a break and went with our neighbour and friend to a village near Burford which has massess of snowdrops and aconites. We saw these deer on the way - just standing in the field, apparantly not worried about being so exposed.
The village has an unual war memorial, it looks very ancient and was erected by a sister for her two brothers who died in the first world war. It stands next to the village pond. The whole village has a very peaceful air, including the lovely churchyard, also full of snowdrops and cycalenen. All the graves, including the modern ones are soft local stone, and fit beatifully in their surroundings. One carries the message "deep peace of the shining stars to you", from a Celtic blessing. I should think the stars shine brightly there.

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