Rye mix grass seed?
A mystery package from Malaysia, the customs declaration stated the contents were stud earrings. Apparently thousands of individuals have received these tiny packets, approximately 1"x2", both here in & in the US. The majority posted in China. I don't understand why they would be sent,but could be related to a 'brushing scam'. George & Jean had ordered grass seed from Amazon, but that has never arrived. I must remember to ask how much they had paid next visit. I've sent mail to Defra as advised in the newspaper. Definitely NOT to be sown. We already have the unwanted Japanese Knotweed, & Himalayan Balsam. I'm sure we don't want another invasive plant ............ who knows what's in the packet.
Thanks to Philippa aka ApolloFly for hosting - Something ending with an R ........... Ops!
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