Just me

It's not been a great day. The day has revolved around the family meeting held today with hospital staff and Nicola and I.

It's not the best news but we have to accept it and go with the flow. They said that they can't do anything further for her. So as soon as next week. she will be discharged to a care home somewhere in the county, where she will be assessed by Social Services. They will decide where Carol would be best looked after, a care home or at home with me with a large care package. The idea of either scare me but again we are in their hands and there's no arguing. We've said we are unhappy with this.

It is believed that Cs underlying cause of her strokea is cerebral amyloid which basically is a condition where the brain is particularly susceptible to bleeds...

The next few weeks are going to be hard to deal with and I'll stay with you as long as I can. Mean time thanks for all your good wishes. It been appreciated very much.


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