Hands on Deck

After the dutiful son stuff, I agonised about what to do. So I did. Warm and sunny! There was only one place I really wanted to go, so off I cycled. And success attended my efforts! I have a working auto-tiller. Oh joy.

What about this though, from Richard Williams, professor of contemporary visual cultures at Edinburgh University - in today's Sunday Herald.
"The waterfront reaches its peak of despair at Granton Harbour where a handful of shoddy buildings emerge from a giant mud pool, the inadvertent result of stalled construction. Wrecked bicycles and shopping carts litter the scene."

All true. Hey - it used to be the bliddy coal port for Midlothian. Tough, eh?

[the warm weather, and the fact that it is now seven weeks till lift-in, has meant there is an upsurge of activity down at the yard. Here are Pete and H getting Mitch errr shipshape]

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