electric glass

By electricglass

Vulgar Plant??

I really home my neighbors saw me taking this and think me a crazy pereson. I was running out every few minutes hoping the light was right. Then I would position myself under them trying to get a good shot!

I had a second shot that I liked for the DOF. But this one had a solidarity to it that mimics my life right now.

Oh and for those oh you wondering about the title.

Ever since I was young vulgarity was such a no-no that anything that could somehow be vulgar in my brain was humorous. These are called pussy willows and not being cats somehow were vulgar in my brain. So they would always (and still do) make me giggle.

I have learned today that these little furry pods are called Catkins and they are on a species of willow plant. Hence the name Pussy Willow.

There you go. Your lesson for the day.

For the technically minded. Taken with a polarized filter. Just sharpened the image a bit. (still not as sharp as I want it though) and clone stamped a bit of a catkin out that was asked to step out of the frame but wouldn't co-operate!

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