From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Still flourishing.....

This is my favourite garden on the walk home after my run and it's still looking great. Full of such a variety of flowering shrubs and plants! I've watched it change and evolve since March and always stop to enjoy it. Some pink in here too if you look closely and find the cosmos. 

Sophia asked if I was free to chat on FaceTime and she showed me a few things I didn't know about our Nespresso creamer...that it froths cold milk too. She was making herself a cup of tea and wanted to have frothy milk. Then a couple of songs she asked Alexa to play for me. She's on half term and was probably missing her friends but I was very happy that she thinks of calling Grammie. 

Later I walked into our high street to get the ingredients for a Christmas cake. Several of us are making big ones to cut into squares for the members of the church Community Lunch. I haven't made one for many years as folk here are not fond of fruit cakes. I'm hoping it won't prove a challenge too far! 

When I got home my phone (and feet) told me I'd clocked up over 13K and over 20,000 steps today.....

I phoned for my mammogram appointment today and the next availability for this area is 9th December. I took it. Please will you kindly click on this link to donate a free mammogram to someone who would benefit from having one? Thank you again! 

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