Let me dance among the stars
Tomorrow I am having my flu jab. I can’t tell you how excited I am about that ...
I’m a bit horrified that it took 8 weeks from Getting my letter to getting an appointment - and I’m supposed to be high risk!
And I am aware of folk who are younger than me / no under laying health issues who have called up and just got an appointment next day. I can only assume my surgery wanted to see how quickly they could kill me.
The moon was beautiful tonight but I felt that it needed a little bit more just oomph to make it Really impressive.
I had a frustrating day at work...some colleagues are sent to try us. I actually had to step in today and say ‘STOP’
And then I used the ‘endeavour’ word.
My boss and his boss know that when I use ‘endeavour’ I honestly mean ‘you haven’t got a hope in hell of me resolving this for you, I’m not even going to try’. But it sounds like I might
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