View from Feolquoy (Day 1996)

An early start for a trip through to town to collect bits meant this morning's woofer wander was at first light (extra).
The job was a return to Feolquoy to change the tank which feeds the central heating and flushing the system. Getting the old tank out took a fair while, and flushing and re-filling the system was as much of a pain as it was the last time I worked on it. When I thought I had cracked it, the boiler developed a fault and switched itself off.
I eventually got the heating back up and running just before 5pm. Another simple job ticked off the list!
On the way home I dropped in to Mum and Dad's briefly to sort out a corroded hose reel.
Home to catch up with my beautiful wife who has been shouted at by a mad woman, and appears to have acquired another horse...

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