Clean dishes

Every night they visit you
Every night they come...

...And bit by bit
They steal your brain
And feed it to their MUM

...who are they?

I had a great night last night, but this morning I woke up with a bit of a headache. It could have been worse though!

It's funny because I forgot to take the camera with me last night, and my workmates always rely on me for that. So, in a way, I'm the official photographer for their nights out. It was my friend Jamie's leaving do, and he was gutted when he realised I had forgotten my camera and nobody else had one. But... I had my mobile phone camera, of course! It actually took quite decent pictures, I have to say. Not a bad camera! :)

I took some night shots with it, but they didn't come out so well...

I've been just cleaning the flat a little bit this morning but I haven't done much else. I still have to do some food shopping, but I'm feeling very lazy!

Meeting a friend for a drink this evening.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my series! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! :)

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