Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


Red-breasted Nuthatch and Dark-eyed Junco together on the seed bell.  This junco is pink-sided but we also have slate-colored, both sub-species of Dark-eyed Juncos.  They are usually ground feeders but with all the snow I guess they decided to try out the birdfeeders.  There were several at a time on the seed feeder, along with Black-capped and Mountain Chickadees and House Finches.  On the suet we saw Northern Flickers and Downy Woodpeckers.  The tiny nuthatches aren't fussy and were flying between seeds and suet.  We also had visits from a Steller's Jay (mountain bird) in my first extra and our regular Blue Jays.  My second extra is another shot of one of the juncos.  The snow really brings them out!  

We woke to about an inch of snow but it never stopped snowing all day.  Now we have about 10 inches on the deck and the snow is supposed to continue into tomorrow.  Along with the snow came frigid temperatures.  Our high today was 15 degrees (F) and now it's 10.  Tomorrow it's supposed to get up to 17.  Then the storm will move out and we'll be up to 60 by Friday and all the snow will be gone.  I love the cold and snow. :-)

The snow has quieted the fires but they are still out of control.  Estes Park, the east entrance town to Rocky Mountain National Park, is still threatened.  I haven't heard how much has burned in the park itself.  Praying for more control tomorrow!

Don't forget that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Please click on this link to help fund mammograms for people who can't afford them. It's free and just takes a minute!

I am grateful to the firefighters and all the other people working on the fires!   

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