Back From The Mount

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Caro got back from the Bay of Plenty today. 

I think she had a decent time; although she said she had to work harder than usual (her regular job). So she didn't get through all the things with her mum that she wanted to. 

But on the plus side, she didn't get arseholed and spew anywhere, which is one of the things that normally blights her time when she's up there. 

Instead it was her step-nephew who got off his head at his birthday party and blew chunks everywhere. Feefs was raging at her husband for being the one to suggest shots.

"And NOW I'm going to have to get the hose out and clean it up!!" she raged.

"Burp," said Tiggydog.

"Well you don't need to clean it up any more," observed Caro.

Needless to say this did not make Feefs' mood any brighter.

However, now Caro is home. I met her at the station with Chicken Fried Rice from the Hungry Wok and a cream bun from the bakery.

I love making a fuss of her. I like having her home.


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