One Vine Day

I'm backblipping because yesterday was a full one and I was in bed by 9 with a pounding headache.
The day started off with Danny heading to prison to see if there was any way he could visit one of the inmates who's mom is on her deathbed. This really shouldn't have been possible (because of Covid - no NGOs allowed in for the foreseeable future), but we asked people to pray for a kind guard and a way in...and hey presto he was allowed access and told he could visit whenever he likes! So not only could he spend time with this lad, he will also be able to see Sole again! Felt like quite a miraculous and fast answer to prayer!
I spent part of the morning with Marcial, catching up and praying. So so good!
A friend and her son came for lunch and the afternoon. Nate and Oli are the same age and enjoyed time together, especially when we took them on their scooters up and down the Port. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Answered prayer and friends to call on in difficult times.
2) This touch of autumn colour - it doesn't really exist here.
3) Time with Marcial. 

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