Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

The highlight of our day...

...was a trip to Morrison's...
An amazing pumpkin display in the entrance - I'm never too sure about this particular American import, but I guess the kids need something to keep them going this year! Rather Silly Saturday-ish I thought...
Apocalyptic weather overnight, but we managed to fit in a takeaway coffee from Gareth's and a walk along the front this aft without getting soaked.

Don't forget - MonoMonday next week - tag mm353, theme "Unfocussed"

And finally CORONA CLASSICS - The Platters - Orchids in the Moonlight

Another for Black History Month from Dolly.   The Platters are an American vocal group formed in 1952. They are one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era. The act has gone through several personnel changes, with one of the most successful incarnations comprising lead tenor Tony Williams, David Lynch, Paul Robi, Herb Reed, and Zola Taylor. The group had 40 charting singles on the Billboard Hot 100 chart between 1955 and 1967, including four number-one hits. They are one of the first African-American groups to be accepted as a major chart group and are one of the most successful vocal groups in the world.
More from the COVID CELLO PROJECT 8 - "ASTURIAS" by Isaac Albeniz  from me.
And a further contribution from Puffin, who says - I was going to offer my cousin playing the double bass for Black History Month. His mother is from Trinidad. See him playing here..  His father has featured on blip here . But Nicholas is current not history

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