Geese Overhead!

10°C  -  20 mph SSW Wind Speed  -  29 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Rain.  All kinds of weather again.  Managed a nice shot of the Geese.  Earlier there were big raindrops on my living room window  -  see my Extra.  If you close-read some of the raindrops you may see three of my fingers reflected from the front of the camera. Youngest son off on holiday to Spain today  -  cheap flight Bournemouth to Girona for £9.99 with RyanAir.  Don’t know how they do it  -  it costs more than that for a half-hour train journey to Dundee for me  -  let alone a two hour flight to Girona! Telephone call from niece in Glasgow where the First Minister has made quite severe restrictions.  I’ve lost all trace of what’s going on where, to tell you truth.  Thank Goodness Blipfoto stays constant☺

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