Obcanske Forum or Meet Wilson, the new family pet
It's fair to say school is different for Ottawacker Jr. than it was for me...
So I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised when I discovered his homework was to find a rock in the garden and decorate it... I haven't yet found out what it was for.
It reminded me of two things: 1) Wilson, the volleyball that Tom Hanks befriended while Castaway; 2) the old Obcanske Forum posters from 1989/90 when I, still a rebel and tearaway at heart, was in my "wandering around Czechoslovakia" phase.
I have both these posters somewhere - and Ottawacker Jr. might be forgiven for unknowingly plagiarizing OF's style. Stirred up a lot of memories though, and I am going to have to go through my old photos to reminisce some more.
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