One a Week - Project

By MarshallB

Mare Nectaris

Just above "The Sea of Nectar" you can see three prominent craters, Catharina, Cyrillus and Theophilus. It took a while for the clouds to part this evening and I was hoping for a good session with the telecope and perhaps something more adventurous on the astro front but must say I am quite pleased with this given the short time frame.

Had an excellent day which began with the Gemelitos first trip out in their luxury transport to Windsor. Managed to get on and off the train with ease and around the shops with now problem. The "Two Lu's" met us for a coffee in costa and that gave me a precious hour in town picking up a few goodies.

Next up was a trip to the local pub for a quick pint on the way home which was good challenge but worked out extremely well as bumped into a couple we've been wanting to see from NCT.

The whisky cork was nearly popped this evening but that will have to wait for another day now.

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