My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Back in isolation

L has had a snotty cold for a few days... last night at around 1am the inevitable happened and she started coughing and it wouldn’t stop.

We rang the school this morning to say we were keeping her at home and then we booked her a Covid test. We think it’s part of her cold; we really don’t think it’s coronavirus, but having the test is the responsible thing to do.

But it means that, until we get the (hopefully) negative result, we are all in quarantine at home. Happy half term, eh!

This also means that our trip up north to visit N’s folks is off and everyone is feeling mightily disappointed. It’s no-one’s fault, it’s just that these days you cannot get sick, even a teeny bit.

So we had a quiet day at home, played some games, watched Finding Dory and cuddled up under blankets on the sofa.

Mr Messi-cat entertained us for a while with his washing.

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