A day in the life

By Shelling

Down to earth

I managed to complete all the routines today, some music work, making a hot lunch, taking a  walk and having a yoga with Adrienne. In the evening there was a couple of good interviews with two artists that I like, Laleh and Bruce Springsteen. A good day. Some days only one or a few of the routines get done but on the other hand, something else usually fills up the time.  

We've had a rather greyish day to day, mild but no sun, a typical october friday. Autumn colours are often referred to as "earth colours", which is what I thought where I was standing taking my blip. The rich smell from decaying leaves and the resting, newly prepared earth are all foreboding the coming season of winter, where everything seems to happen to the earth, rather than in it. Theres hardly a sound, only different frequencies of light and waves of smells.

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