Fix Your Camera Here!
This man runs Seattle's best place to get any camera fixed and has a hole in the wall set up. If you drop your camera off other places or stores they probably will sent it to him to fix. Having learned this last year, I had him fix a lens my brother broke while visiting in Aug. I also lent my brother the same kind of Nikon lens to shoot with on his visit. He went home to Ohio with it promising as soon as his was fixed here and sent to him, mine would come back. But in the meantime, he broke mine and so sent it here to be fixed and paid for it. I picked it up today....six months later....Yay...I need the lens. The time delay was due to my bro...not the clinic!
This guy who runs Camera Clinic in Shoreline Wa. is a hoot! He's got a little self run place packed to the gills with stuff. After I got my lens he proceeded to check to see if my sensor was clean for free. It was in good order he said. We continued to chat and he let me take his photograph.
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