Dad back home and ok - sounds like indigestion ( with raised heart enzymes )! Poor uncle steve v unwell.
Been on the phone and video calling with mum and dad lots. Both ok but I hate not being able to travel over to them .
Last day before lockdown here. Went for a riding lesson with Susan and Caelan , we took all 3 horses and made the most of being out . Daisy was an absolute star and my trainer has never seen her go so well , she was light and forward and I had such gentle control . Her canter was such an improvement - happy happy happy
Bobby who is 24 just ran out of steam and I think he’s giving a clear message that the lessons are just too much for him now. Susan was super aware and stopped riding , he went to sleep for the rest of the lesson . Did a primary dressage test at end of lesson and Daisy was fab - it was me that got lost in the middle ! Really pleased with our progress.
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