
By cowgirl

Barry and Barney

At the end of July my carpenter friend Jake’s dad, Barry, set off from Lands End on his cob, Barney. They are doing this in aid of the Royal National Lifeboat Institute charity. Over the last 10 weeks they have made their way up the country and are now in Scotland, en route to John O’Groats.

Jake didn’t tell me! I only found out by accident a couple of weeks ago. I’m fuming!

Anyhoo ... Barry has had the incredible good fortune to cross paths with a chap who was going to do the journey in reverse, but due to ill health couldn’t finish it. His name is Andrew and you can find him on Facebook, ‘Andrew’s Journey’.

Here Andrew has posted up lots of pictures and updates on Barry and Barney’s progress and recruited people to help out. Please have a look!

I have shamelessly taken some of Andrews pics for my collage.

Barry is a living legend!

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