Not that Too!

Two of Nicola’s elves had left their calling cards on this tree bordering one of the paths across the Meadows. I had time to notice them on my way to get a haircut this afternoon. I’m afraid all this Zooming has brought to my attention the need to have a more flattering hairstyle when staring at people on a screen, than having it tied back. As my step daughter once said to me when I had my pony tail cut off for the first time last year- ‘a grey pony tail never did anyone any favours’........and here was I thinking I wasn’t grey but faded blonde. Still, my children have told me they consider it grey, so grey it must be to other people, just as my mother’s blue rinse back in the day wasn’t blue to her, just to the rest of us.

Anyway I have now a page boy cut which will hopefully look better on the screen. It’s a shame that nothing short of a face lift can be done to prevent the sagging that occurs on my phisog while in repose. I will have to cultivate a semi smile to tighten everything up. You see how Zoom is undermining the confidence of the narcissists among us.

Other than the momentous haircut today, I baked a small wholemeal loaf of bread in my new toy- so exciting and almost magical, plus the smell in the house would add on a few thousand pounds were I to sell up(which I’m not!)

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