It pays to wait

Last Friday S picked all of the ripened chillis off the plants in the potting shed and debated as to the chance of the remaining green fruit ripening. He wasn’t hopeful but seven days later there are quite a few that have changed colour. Even the chillis on the stem that I chopped off by accident are doing well (in extras) 

B had another dental appointment this morning and I expected a repeat performance of yesterday’s behaviour from Amber.

I cracked on with the chores, including some outdoor jobs and she was as good as gold. She did go bonkers when she heard his car returning and gave him a warm and noisy welcome when he got indoors.

B gave me a hand emptying one of the very large pots so that I could refill it with mostly allium bulbs, a few tulips and miniature daffs, and the last of the plug plants that arrived in August. I hope that they will flower in succession, but I’m not sure if I’ve got it right ......we will see!!! They will be better than the Acer that was on its last legs. 

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