And I Thought There Was No One At Home!
"Will you walk into my parlor?", said the spider to the fly. English poet Mary Howitt first published those words in 1829. Growing up, I had no idea they had been around for so long or that I had learned them incorrectly as "Come into my parlor" . This morning when I went for my photo walk and search for the pink in the world, I had little hope of finding anything I could use, aside from the occasional jogger or bicyclist who happened to be wearing something pink and I am very careful about which ones of those I will use. But, I happened to see this spider hole as I was leaning down to look at something else and, pink or not, you know how I feel about all things spider-related, so I snapped a few shots. I was so excited to see that the hole was, indeed, inhabited and I had gotten a decent shot. The histogram said there was pink in my shot, but I was planing to caption it anyway, so I did the text in pink. It is Pinktober, so please join me in clicking on the link below to help provide mammograms for those who cannot afford to pay. I will come back later to tag this for Wild Wednesday when I have the details.
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