It's very annoying when you can't open
a jar or can. I whack the side of the jar lid with the back of a knife blade which seems to create a break in the airlock. Well, that's what I put it down to.
I went walkabout this morning, it was so mild, a bit mizzly but not enough to get WET, so after fetching the paper, & realising that hubby was'nt in a hurry to get out of bed I headed off on my mission. Tight/Close the subjects suggested for today's Wide Wednesday blip by BobsBlips. I had a subject in my mind, but got distracted when I arrived on the edge of Stover Country Park. I'd missed a call & had a voice mail. It was Mum. I rang her back immediately. She was worried about going on holiday to Cornwall with my brother, his wife, & the great grandchildren, aged 2 & 31/2. We talked it through, & agreed she needed to phone Rog & tell him she'd rather stay home. She has'nt been out much since the Covid outbreak, 3 shopping trips I think, so she feels vulnerable & anxious. The right decision for her, I just hope my brother does'nt get any grief from my sister-in-law. She's a "funny" begger!
I've been editting pics on my SD card this afternoon. I ran out quite a few times during my bimble. GRHHHH! Video's of starling murmurations, pics from the plot, pics from my garden. They had to go!
Hubby's just walked in ........................ not a word, not even hello. That's why I go out. I'm invisible.
So the invisible wife is off to make dinner .............. see ya!
p.s. GBBO ... what a shambles!!!
p.p.s I fell asleep during the last challenge - tut! tut! 'A caged tart'. I'm not saying a word!!!!
Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday
Oh yes! apparently 30,0000 is that million??? pumpkins are going to be wasted this year because of Covid. Planted in mid May??? Food waste. Who knew you could actually eat the pumpkin that you carve for Halloween. Phew! I give up!
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