Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Favorite Fruit

Still messing around with my raynox on my macro lens. I didn't end up getting around to this until pretty late in the day, so there wasn't enough light to get shots of a moving object. So, you'll have to settle for a yummy kiwi :)

Last night was exhausting. I didn't go to bed until 1:30am (Mr. Badger not being home, I just felt out of sorts). Corra could not settle, since she didn't know where Mr. Badger was. She was in play mode, so I found her a chew to help settle her. I finally dozed off around 2:30isham ... only to be awoken at 3 something am from a terrible smell. Corra had the squirts near the door to our bedroom, poor pup. Cleaned that up, took both dogs out, just in case Loki had eaten something that had upset his tummy too - luckily not and it was snowing like crazy. I was wide awake when we got back in, so I worked on editing some photos for my nephews' birthdays that I had been neglecting and watched Brave. Corra settled quickly in the living room (thankfully!) and Loki couldn't have cared less.I eventually fell asleep around 4:30ish and was awake again by 8am ;_; Needless to say, I have been out of it all day.

Mr. Badger returned this morning with a hangover and a bump on the back of his head (accident pre-drunkenness) - so we've both been couch potatoes all day. At least the dogs' tummies seem just fine!

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